Dr. Erin Moore begins the latest in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm treatment

223 January 2018. Dr. Erin Moore, MD FACS RPVI, Chief of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery and Director of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at Baptist Medical Center in Jacksonville, FL has enrolled his first two patients in the FDA trial for the Gore Excluder CEXC® conformable stent graft for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms with an angulated infra-renal neck of 60-90 degrees.

Aortic aneurysms are abnormal dilations of the largest blood vessel in the body, which, if left untreated, can result in rupture and death. These “angulated” aneurysms have been traditionally difficult to treat with the currently available devices on the market due to their straight design and relative rigidity and poor ability to be implanted in severely angulated aortic aneurysms.
Straight Anatomy & Severely Angulated Anatomy

The current grafts available have a straight main body, while the new device allows the main body portion to “turn the corner” like a periscope, thereby seating the graft properly into the anatomy and creating the necessary seal to isolate any flow into the aneurysm sac.

Standard “straight” graft & New “Conformable” Graft

Dr. Moore and his team continue to push forward in the minimally invasive treatment of these aneurysms.

“This is an exciting time in aneurysm care”, says Dr. Moore. “We are able to bring yet another way to address aneurysm anatomy that has traditionally been difficult to treat with less invasive techniques. In many cases, patients were forced to undergo standard open repair with significantly increased recovery times and risks for secondary complications. I am gratified that we can offer this to my patients within this trial. We are bringing the future of aneurysm care to our patients NOW.”

Trial enrollment will continue into the near future until the necessary enrollment is completed for final FDA approval and widespread distribution.

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