What is Chronic Venous Insufficiency?

For those with CVI, valves in your veins don’t work properly to keep blood moving in one direction. The blood will then “reflux” or pool in the legs, putting increased pressure on the walls of the veins. Chronic Venous Insufficiency may be caused by heredity, valve destruction or previous trauma and/or blood clots.

Who can get this disease?

This disease is fairly common, and may affect over 40% of the population, particularly women and people who are middle-aged or older.

Can you prevent this disease?

Exercise, weight loss and wearing compression stockings can aid in the prevention of this disease.

What are the symptoms?

Typically, symptoms are mild but heaviness, swelling, itching and pain in the affected limb is common, especially after prolonged standing. Darkening of the skin and the development of an ulcer or open sore may occur in very advanced cases.

How is Chronic Venous Insufficiency diagnosed?

Your surgeon will ask about your medical history and symptoms, including questions about family members. An ultrasound may be used to evaluate your veins for their proper function and anatomy.

How is this disease treated?

Vein ablation may be required. Angioplasty or stents may also be used to treat advanced cases of this disease. Maintaining ongoing surveillance and care is crucial in preventing progression over time.

Learn more about the diagnosis and treatment here.

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